
Journal articles


  1. S. Akkurt, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    Cache Blocking for Flux Reconstruction: Extension to Navier-Stokes Equations and Anti-aliasing.
    Computer Physics Communications, 109332, 2024.
  2. S. Taghizadeh, F. D. Witherden, and S. S. Girimaji,
    Scale-resolving simulations of turbulent flows with coherent structures: Toward cut-off dependent data-driven closure modeling.
    Physics of Fluids, 36, 065143, 2024.
  3. S. Mishra, W. Trojak, and F. D. Witherden,
    Online Bayesian Optimization of Polynomial-Multigrid Cycles for Flux Reconstruction.
    AIAA Journal, 62(7), 2024.
  4. L. Wang, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    An efficient GPU-based h-adaptation framework via linear trees for the flux reconstruction method.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 502, 112823, 2024.
  5. T. Dzanic, F. D. Witherden, and L. Martinelli,
    Validation of wall boundary conditions for simulating complex fluid flows via the Boltzmann equation: Momentum transport and skin friction.
    Physics of Fluids, 36, 017109, 2024.


  1. T. Dzanic, W. Trojak, and F. D. Witherden,
    On the Anti-Aliasing Properties of Entropy Filtering for Discontinuous Spectral Element Approximations of Under-Resolved Turbulent Flows.
    International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 37, pp. 474–486, 2023.
  2. T. Dzanic and F. D. Witherden,
    Positivity-preserving entropy filtering for the ideal magnetohydrodynamics equations.
    Computers & Fluids, 106056, 2023.
  3. T. Dzanic, F. D. Witherden, and L. Martinelli,
    A positivity-preserving and conservative high-order flux reconstruction method for the polyatomic Boltzmann–BGK equation.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 486, 112146, 2023.
  4. T. Dzanic, W. Trojak, and F. D. Witherden,
    Bounds preserving temporal integration methods for hyperbolic conservation laws.
    Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 135, pp. 6–18, 2023.


  1. L. Wang, W. Trojak, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    Nonlinear p-Multigrid Preconditioner for Implicit Time Integration of Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations with p-Adaptive Flux Reconstruction.
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 93, 81, 2022.
  2. T. Dzanic, W. Trojak, and F. D. Witherden,
    Utilizing time-reversibility for shock capturing in nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws.
    Computers & Fluids, 247, 105652, 2022.
  3. W. Trojak, N. R. Vadlamani, J. Tyacke, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    Artificial compressibility approaches in flux reconstruction for incompressible viscous flow simulations.
    Computers & Fluids, 247, 105634, 2022.
  4. T. Dzanic and F. D. Witherden,
    Positivity-preserving entropy-based adaptive filtering for discontinuous spectral element methods.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 468, 111501, 2022.
  5. M. S. Petrov, T. D. Todorov, G. S. Walters, D. M. Williams, and F. D. Witherden,
    Enabling four-dimensional conformal hybrid meshing with cubic pyramids.
    Numerical Algorithms, 91, pp. 671–709, 2022.
  6. T. Dzanic, S. S. Girimaji, and F. D. Witherden,
    Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations of Turbulence Within a High-Order Flux Reconstruction Framework.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 456, 110992, 2022.
  7. W. Trojak, R. Watson, and F. D. Witherden,
    Hyperbolic diffusion in flux reconstruction: Optimisation through kernel fusion within tensor-product elements.
    Computer Physics Communications, 273, 108235, 2022.
  8. S. Akkurt, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    Cache Blocking Strategies Applied to Flux Reconstruction.
    Computer Physics Communications, 271, 108193, 2022.
  9. G. Giangaspero, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    Synthetic Turbulence Generation for High-Order Scale-Resolving Simulations on Unstructured Grids.
    AIAA Journal, 60(2), 2022.


  1. S. Taghizadeh, F. D. Witherden, Y. A. Hassan, and S. S. Girimaji,
    Turbulence closure modeling with data-driven techniques: Investigation of generalizable deep neural networks.
    Physics of Fluids, 33(11), 115132, 2021.
  2. F. D. Witherden,
    Python at petascale with PyFR or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the snake.
    Computing in Science & Engineering, 23(4), pp. 29–37, 2021.
  3. A. S. Iyer, Y. Abe, B. C. Vermeire, P. Bechlars, R. D. Baier, A. Jameson, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    High-Order Accurate Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow over a MTU-T161 Low Pressure Turbine Blade.
    Computers & Fluids, 226, 104989, 2021.
  4. C. V. Frontin, G. S. Walters, F. D. Witherden, C. W. Lee, D. M. Williams, and D. L. Darmofal,
    Foundations of space-time finite element methods: Polytopes, interpolation, and integration.
    Applied Numerical Mathematics, 166, pp. 92–113, 2021.
  5. W. Trojak and F. D. Witherden,
    A New Family of Weighted One-Parameter Flux Reconstruction Schemes.
    Computers & Fluids, 222, 104918, 2021.
  6. C. Cox, W. Trojak, T. Dzanic, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    Accuracy, Stability, and Performance Comparison between the Spectral Difference and Flux Reconstruction Schemes.
    Computers & Fluids, 221, 104922, 2021.
  7. J. Morton, M. J. Kochenderfer, and F. D. Witherden,
    Parameter-Conditioned Sequential Generative Modeling of Fluid Flows.
    AIAA Journal, 59(3), pp. 825–841, 2021.
  8. W. Trojak and F. D. Witherden,
    Inline vector compression for computational physics.
    Computer Physics Communications, 258, 107562, 2021.
  9. F. D. Witherden and P. E. Vincent,
    On nodal point sets for flux reconstruction.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 381, 113014, 2021.


  1. T. S. Fowler, IV, F. D. Witherden, and S. S. Girimaji,
    Partially-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations of turbulent flow past a square cylinder: Comparative assessment of statistics and coherent structures at different resolutions.
    Physics of Fluids, 32(12), 125106, 2020.
  2. T. S. Fowler, IV, F. D. Witherden, and S. S. Girimaji,
    Pulsating Flow Past a Square Cylinder: Analysis of Force Coefficient Spectra and Vortex-Structure Development.
    Journal of Fluids Engineering, 142(12), 121106, 2020.
  3. S. Taghizadeh, F. D. Witherden, and S. S. Girimaji,
    Turbulence closure modeling with data-driven algorithms: physical compatibility and consistency considerations.
    New Journal of Physics, 22, 093023, 2020.
  4. J. Romero, J. Crabill, J. E. Watkins, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    ZEFR: A GPU-accelerated high-order solver for compressible viscous flows using the flux reconstruction method.
    Computer Physics Communications, 250, 107169, 2020.
  5. F. D. Witherden and A. Jameson,
    Impact of Number Representation for High-Order Implicit Large-Eddy Simulations.
    AIAA Journal, 58(1), pp. 184–197, 2020.


  1. N. A. Loppi, F. D. Witherden, A. Jameson, and P. E. Vincent,
    Locally adaptive pseudo-time stepping for high-order Flux Reconstruction.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 399, 108913, 2019.
  2. A. S. Iyer, F. D. Witherden, S. I. Chernyshenko, and P. E. Vincent,
    Identifying eigenmodes of averaged small-amplitude perturbations to turbulent channel flow.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 875, pp. 758–780, 2019.
  3. K. T. Carlberg, A. Jameson, M. J. Kochenderfer, J. Morton, L. Peng, and F. D. Witherden,
    Recovering missing CFD data for high-order discretizations using deep neural networks and dynamics learning.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 395, pp. 105–124, 2019.
  4. J. A. Crabill, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    High-order computational fluid dynamics simulations of a spinning golf ball.
    Sports Engineering, 22(9), 2019.


  1. J. A. Crabill, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    A parallel direct cut algorithm for high-order overset methods with application to a spinning golf ball.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 374, pp. 692–723, 2018.
  2. N. A. Loppi, F. D. Witherden, A. Jameson, and P. E. Vincent,
    A High-Order Cross-Platform Incompressible Navier–Stokes Solver via Artificial Compressibility with Application to a Turbulent Jet.
    Computer Physics Communications, 233, pp. 193–205, 2018.
  3. F. D. Witherden and A. Jameson,
    On the spectrum of the Steger–Warming flux‐vector splitting scheme.
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 87(12), pp. 601–606, 2018.


  1. J. Romero, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    A Direct Flux Reconstruction Scheme for Advection–Diffusion Problems on Triangular Grids.
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 73(2–3), pp. 1115–1144, 2017.
  2. J. S. Park, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    High-Order Implicit Large-Eddy Simulations of Flow over a NACA0021 Aerofoil.
    AIAA Journal, 55(7), pp. 2186-2197, 2017.
  3. B. C. Vermeire, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    On the utility of GPU accelerated high-order methods for unsteady flow simulations: A comparison with industry-standard tools.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 334, pp. 497–521, 2017.


  1. F. D. Witherden, J. S. Park, and P. E. Vincent,
    An Analysis of Solution Point Coordinates for Flux Reconstruction Schemes on Tetrahedral Elements.
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 69(2), pp. 905–920, 2016.
  2. B. D. Wozniak, F. D. Witherden, F. P. Russell, P. E. Vincent, and P. H. J. Kelly,
    GiMMiK—Generating bespoke matrix multiplication kernels for accelerators: Application to high-order Computational Fluid Dynamics.
    Computer Physics Communications, 202, pp. 12–22, 2016.


  1. F. D. Witherden, B. C. Vermeire, and P. E. Vincent,
    Heterogeneous computing on mixed unstructured grids with PyFR.
    Computers & Fluids, 120, pp. 173–186, 2015.
  2. P. E. Vincent, A. M. Farrington, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    An extended range of stable-symmetric-conservative Flux Reconstruction correction functions.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 296, pp. 248–272, 2015.
  3. F. D. Witherden and P. E. Vincent,
    On the Identification of Symmetric Quadrature Rules for Finite Element Methods.
    Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 69(10), pp. 1232–1241, 2015.


  1. F. D. Witherden, A. M. Farrington, and P. E. Vincent,
    PyFR: An Open Source Framework for Solving Advection-Diffusion Type Problems on Streaming Architectures Using the Flux Reconstruction Approach.
    Computer Physics Communications, 185(11), pp. 3028–3040, 2014.
  2. F. D. Witherden and P. E. Vincent,
    An Analysis of Solution Point Coordinates for Flux Reconstruction Schemes on Triangular Elements.
    Journal of Scientific Computing, 61(2), pp. 398–423, 2014.

Conference papers


  1. S. Mishra, D. K. Chakravorty, L. M. Perez, F. Dang, H. Liu, and F. D. Witherden,
    Impact of Memory Bandwidth on the Performance of Accelerators.
    PEARC24, 21–25 July 2024, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.


  1. S. Mishra, F. D. Witherden, D. K. Chakravorty, L. M. Perez, and F. Dang,
    Scaling Study of Flow Simulations on Composable Cyberinfrastructure.
    PEARC23, 23–27 July 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  2. A. Akbarzadeh, M. Alhawwary, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    Numerical prediction of drag crisis for smooth spheres using a high-order flux reconstruction method.
    AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum, 23–27 January 2023, National Harbor, Maryland, USA.
  3. R. Modi, M. Alhawwary, A. Akbarzadeh, F. D. Witherden, and A. Jameson,
    Aeroacoustics noise prediction for the airfoil-rod benchmark using high-order large eddy simulation on unstructured grids and the acoustic analogy approach in frequency-domain.
    AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum, 23–27 January 2023, National Harbor, Maryland, USA.


  1. W. Trojak, T. Dzanic, and F. D. Witherden,
    Shock Capturing Methods in High-Order Flux Reconstruction I: Graph Viscosity and Convex Limiting Approaches.
    AIAA Scitech 2021, 11–15 and 19–21 January 2021.
  2. D. W. Hartman, T. Dzanic, F. D. Witherden, A. Tropina, and R. B. Miles,
    Numerical analysis and prediction of Aero-optical effects.
    AIAA Scitech 2021, 11–15 and 19–21 January 2021.


  1. T. Dzanic, K. Shah, and F. D. Witherden,
    Fourier Spectrum Discrepancies in Deep Network Generated Images.
    NeurIPS 2020, 6–12 December 2020.


  1. Y. Abe, F. D. Witherden, G. Giangaspero, B. C. Vermeire, A. S. Iyer, and P. E. Vincent,
    High-performance Implementation of Inlet Turbulence Generation for GPU-based Parallel Computation.
    Advanced Fluid Information 2019, 6–8 November 2019, Sendai, Miyagi, JP.
  2. J. Morton, F. D. Witherden, and M. J. Kochenderfer,
    Deep Variational Koopman Models: Inferring Koopman Observations for Uncertainty-Aware Dynamics Modeling and Control.
    IJCAI-19, 10–16 August 2019, Macao, PRC.


  1. J. Morton, F. D. Witherden, A. Jameson, and M. J. Kochenderfer,
    Deep Dynamical Modeling and Control of Unsteady Fluid Flows.
    NeurIPS 2018, 2–8 December 2018, Montréal, Quebec, CA.


  1. F. D. Witherden and A. Jameson,
    Future Directions of Computational Fluid Dynamics.
    23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 5–9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.


  1. P. E. Vincent, F. D. Witherden, B. C. Vermeire, J. S. Park, and A. Iyer,
    Towards Green Aviation with Python at Petascale.
    SC16, 13–18 November 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.


  1. M. Klemm, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    Using the pyMIC Offload Module in PyFR.
    EuroSciPy 2015, 28–29 August 2015, Cambridge, UK.
  2. B. C. Vermeire, F. D. Witherden, and P. E. Vincent,
    On the Utility of High-Order Methods for Unstructured Grids: A Comparison Between PyFR and Industry Standard Tools.
    22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 22–26 June 2015, Dallas, Texas, USA.
  3. P. E. Vincent, F. D. Witherden, A. M. Farrington, G. Ntemos, B. C. Vermeire, J. S. Park, and A. S. Iyer,
    PyFR: Next-Generation High-Order Computational Fluid Dynamics on Many-Core Hardware.
    22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 22–26 June 2015, Dallas, Texas, USA.


  1. G. Mengaldo, D. De Grazia, J. Peiro, A. M. Farrington, F. D. Witherden, P. E. Vincent, and S. J. Sherwin,
    A Guide to the Implementation of Boundary Conditions in Compact High-Order Methods for Compressible Aerodynamics.
    7th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, 16–20 June 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Book chapters

  1. M. Rasquin, K. Hillewaert, A. Colombo, F. Bassi, F. Massa, K. Puri, A. S. Iyer, Y. Abe, F. D. Witherden, B. C. Vermeire, and P. E. Vincent,
    Computational Campaign on the MTU T161 Cascade.
    In TILDA: Towards Industrial LES/DNS in Aeronautics, edited by C. Hirsch, K. Hillewaert, R. Hartmann, V. Couaillier, J-F. Boussuge, F. Chalot, S. Bosniakov, and W. Haase. Springer, 2021.
  2. F. Bassi, L. Botti, L. Verzeroli, R. Hartmann, J. Jägersküpper, E. Martin, M. Lorteau, P. E. Vincent, F. D. Witherden, B. C. Vermeire, J. S. Park, A. Iyer, K. Puri, D. Gutzwiller, C. Hirsch, and F. Chalot,
    Parallelisation to Several Tens-of-Thousands of Cores.
    In TILDA: Towards Industrial LES/DNS in Aeronautics, edited by C. Hirsch, K. Hillewaert, R. Hartmann, V. Couaillier, J-F. Boussuge, F. Chalot, S. Bosniakov, and W. Haase. Springer, 2021.
  3. F. D. Witherden and A. Jameson,
    In Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics Second Edition, edited by E. Stein, R. de Borst, and T. J. R. Hughes. Wiley, 2017.
  4. F. D. Witherden, A. Jameson, and D. W. Zingg,
    The Design of Steady State Schemes for Computational Aerodynamics.
    In Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems — Applied and Modern Issues, edited by R. Abgrall and C-W. Shu. Elsevier, 2017.
  5. F. D. Witherden, P. E. Vincent, and A. Jameson,
    High-Order Flux Reconstruction Schemes.
    In Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems — Basic and Fundamental Issues, edited by R. Abgrall and C-W. Shu. Elsevier, 2016.
  6. J. Enkovaara, M. Klemm, and F. D. Witherden,
    High Performance Python Offloading.
    In High Performance Parallelism Pearls Volume 2 pp. 246–269, edited by J. Jeffers and J. Reinders. Morgan Kaufmann, 2015.